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Adopt A Player Program

The Wichita Thunder would like to thank the following families for participating in our Adopt a Player program this season. 

Rob Pannier

Dan Cofer

Austyn Collins

Roberto Espinoza

Brandon Langley

Mariah Leth-Tabor

Kendra Haraburda

Meghan Heywood

Rachel Cardoza

The Colliges

Austyn Collins

Shelby Kartst

Staci Arnold

Pat Hiebert

Rae Swanson

Kelli Finnegan

The Thunder are proud to introduce the Adopt-A-Player program for the 2024-25 campaign. 

The winning bidder gets the following:

  • Thunder Players who are adopted will wear a specially designed patch on our jersey with the name of the adopting fan(s) on the patch. 
  • The fan(s) will be recognized on our website. 
  • The adopting "fan(s)" will receive an autographed stick, a 2024-25 puck, a picture and the name plate from the players locker. 
  • At the conclusion of the season, adopting "fan(s)" will also receive their player's game used jersey.

The special perks that are included in this program are as follows:

  • Locker room Tour & Meet and Greet(s): Each family will have access to a behind the scenes tour of the INTRUST Bank Arena along with a meet and greet with their player.  One Private meet and greet with their player on a date TBD.
  • Game Night Recognition: Each family will be recognized on the INTRUST Bank Arena video board during a Thunder home game. 
  • Ability to give road trip gift bags for players when they are away from INTRUST. 

Terms and Conditions:

  • Should a player be injured but remain on the team, the adopting family will remain with the same player
  • Should a player be traded, the adopting family will automatically receive the incoming player as their adopted player 
  • Should a player be waived and not replaced, the adopting family will receive a player's authentic jersey and may continue to attend all special events 
  • All adopting "fan(s)" will remain throughout the season regardless of the player that "fan(s)" ends the season with, and those "fan(s)" will be eligible to participate in all Adopt-the-Thunder perks throughout the year, regardless of who their player is. 

To bid, go to this page HERE